What is a Sound Bowl?
A sound bowl is a bowl-shaped instrument that produces sound when it is struck, rubbed, or played with a mallet. Sound bowls are typically made from metal, such as crystal, brass, or bronze, but they can also be made from wood, stone, or other materials.
Sound bowls are used in a variety of settings, including meditation, yoga, healing, and music therapy. They are said to produce calming and therapeutic sounds that can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain.
Different type of Sound Bowls
There are many different types of sound bowls available, each with its own unique sound. Some sound bowls are tuned to specific frequencies, while others produce a more random sound.
The two most common types of sound bowls are crytsal bowls and tibetan bowls.
Tibetan Singing Bowls
Tibetan singing bowls are a type of metal bowl that produces a deep, resonant sound when struck or rubbed. They are believed to have originated in Tibet, and are often used for meditation, relaxation, and healing.
Crsytal Singing Bowls
Crystal singing bowls are made from quartz crystal. When a crystal singing bowl is played, it produces a pure, resonant sound. These bowls are typically used for healing and can be colored. Each colour represents a specific note or body zone (chakra).
If you are interested in learning more about sound bowls select from one of the many products shown below.